Skills - Employers securing their future as well as yours

Career advice

The future of your career is in your hands, but it's also in the hands of dynamic employers facing future trends and evolving with the times. For Learning at Work Week, expanding your knowledge and skillset could be the key factor in progressing your career. 

The world we live in is experiencing constant technological breakthroughs, each one happening even faster than the last. From robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), autonomous vehicles, biotechnology... the ways in which these technologies are shaping and changing our lives every day is endless. 

Debates are ongoing about how many jobs will disappear in the wake of this Fourth Industrial Revolution. From HR to Customer Service, Cargo and Freight to Machine Operations, the future ‘world of robots’ calls livelihoods into question across many different industries.

What does this mean for people in the workplace today?

Training and development will become critically important in the workplace of the future. Firms that are already committed to developing their employees’ skillsets will most likely be the same organisations that will be well-positioned to flourish rather than decline with the changing times.

There are so many factors to take into consideration when candidates search for their next job opportunity. These range from workplace benefits, location, work environment, flexible and remote working hours. The list goes on. More often than not, what an employer can offer in terms of learning and development gets radically overlooked against these other allures. But in today’s vastly evolving workplace, a company’s commitment to investing in your future should also take priority on this list.

In Cambridgeshire, a local auto care service began sending their employees to receive continuous training in hybrid and electric vehicles despite this not yet being their prime market, because they know where the future of the automobile industry is headed. They not only want their business to stay ahead of the curve, they also understand that a workforce with diverse and vast skillsets is their best resource to making this happen.

The UK’s annual “Learning at Work Week” takes place from the 13th- 19th of May. In line with the changes we see happening across many different industries today, this year’s theme is ‘Shaping the Future’. Many companies seize this opportunity to refresh their learning initiatives or create a larger buzz around workplace learning for employees who are not yet engaged.

Jobseekers should also use this week as an opportunity to explore which employers will evolve with them, value increasing their skills, and help them become resilient, not resistant, to a changing work environment. By taking a more holistic approach to job seeking, you are not only helping to increase your present job satisfaction, but also preparing for a dynamic and successful future.

Here’s two things to consider asking at your next interview:
  • What does your business have in place to support my future development?
  • Where do you see your business adapting in our ever-evolving technological workplace?

At Brook Street, we are committed to understanding the ideal work environment where each individual candidate can grow and thrive. Get in touch with your local branch today if you are searching for that perfect match.

This blog was written by Olive Chatta, from our Peterborough branch.