When you find that perfect role.... doesn't it feel like love at first sight? It's in the right location, it has the right pay and it's with a company you definitely want to work for. You know that the role is perfect for you and more importantly that you're perfect for the role.
When you find that perfect role, don't let it get away. You want to make sure you stand out from the crowd; and by following our expert advice, your application will get that extra boost to show your prospective employers just how great you are.
1) Take a tactical approach
A job advert does two things. It gives you an idea of what a role will involve, but more importantly it will include key language and skills that the company is looking for. You can use this information to your advantage! Write out all the key skills and phrases in the job description and advert, and use them in your CV and covering letter. If the job advert says that the company are looking for candidates who can work on their own initiative then use the phrase in your personal statement on your CV. As soon as they read it they'll see that you're a perfect fit!
2) Do your research
When you write a covering letter, you've really got a great opportunity to sell your skills and abilities but even more, you can show off your knowledge about the company. It's a great idea to write a paragraph about why you want to work at the company - mention things like their values, their charity work and their contribution in their field. You can usually find this information on their website, and their social media channels.
3) Sell yourself (no, really!)
No one likes a show off, but this is really the time to pull out all the big guns and make the most of your achievements. When you write about your successes on your CV (and you absolutely should), try and include examples of what you achieved, be it reaching 100% of your target or successfully passing a series of audits or inspections. This is great for two reasons - firstly, you're making sure that everyone knows how great you are, and secondly it's a good prompt for them to ask you about in an interview!
So there you have it, our best tips for making sure that your application stands out. You can download template examples for your CV and here to get you started, and if you need any help or guidance just call your local branch and let our experts help!