It's horrible, isnt it? You've prepared and prepared, ironed your best shirt and learned all your answers off by heart. You travelled to the interview, overcame nerves, gave it your best shot...and didn't get the job. Not getting the job you wanted is hard, make no mistake. We've all been there, and the initial crush can be devastating.
The most important thing to remember is that you can learn from the experience, and use it to get better for the next one. And who knows, perhaps your dream job is just around the corner!
If you get the bad news don't be immediately disheartened, there are things that you can do straight away to take some positives from the situation.
1) Don't be hard on yourself
Interviews aren't easy, and at any given time you'll be in the mix with several other people, some of whom might have more experience or already be in the company itself. Many factors go into deciding which candidate is successful, and if you were good enough to be considered for an interview then you should take that as a positive. There will be time to be upset, but first you need to get as much information as you can to turn this into a learning experience.
2) Don't be afraid to ask why not?
Whilst we wouldnt suggest being blunt about it, you're well within your rights to ask for some feedback as this is the most important part of the process. If you've had a phone call to tell you that you didn't succeed, be gracious and thank them for their time. Then ask if they can provide any feedback on your interview or areas for improvement. The caller will be prepared for this, it's not an uncommon request. The information they give you is your key to success you can take it and learn from it.
3) Speak to your recruiter
If you've used an agency to find a job, your recruiter will have a good relationship with the interviewer and will also be able to provide detailed feedback. They're experts at what they do, so take on board any comments and use them to hone your interview technique. They might even practice any difficult questions with you again, so that when they put you forward for the next role you're ready to win!
4) Dont be discouraged
After you've got your feedback and gone over ways to improve, it's time to pick yourself up and move on to the next one. Don't spend too much time thinking about what went wrong (if anything even did) or how disappointed you are - your dream role is still out there! Start sending in your applications again, and keep your confidence up.
5) Give us a call
Make sure that you're in contact with your local recruiter who will be able to keep their ear to the ground for any perfect roles for you! They will also be able to run you through some practice before an interview, and give you some insider tips and tricks.
Still looking for your perfect role? Don't let one failed interview stop you, check out our latest roles and start applying again today!