Now is as good a time as any to hire the talent you need. With skilled talent at an all time low though, that's easier said than done. Don't worry, if you're looking for top top tips on grabbing the attention of employees you desire, you've come to the right place.
The job advert
When people are looking for a new role they will inevitably search through multiple job boards in order to find the roles that match their criteria. Your job opening might be what they're looking for but without the right title, keywords and copy your perfect candidates could be scrolling straight past your advert. It's crucial that the job role is correctly titled to attract the people you want and not end up with unfit applicants. The job advert itself must contain five key points;
- What the job actually is
- What the company expects of a candidate
- What the duties will be
- What the team you'll be working with is like
- What the benefits are
These points will not only help to shape your job advert but will also explain clearly what you are looking for and whether this is the role or not for the reader. Be honest and upfront and you should expect to receive applications that fit the experience, skills and character that would fit. You don't need to put the salary if you feel like this would create unrest internally or due to company policy cannot be disclosed, stating the benefits is pivotal though.
Our consultants across all of our branches have access to the job boards your target candidates flock to and possess the knowledge and experience of writing job adverts that can attract the right candidate to your roles. Speak to your nearest branch to find out more.
The brand image
An organisation's image is initially created by the board however; it's the employees, customers and stakeholders who shape and evolve an organisation's reputation and displays their image to the public. This has never been more prevalent than in today's world as peer to peer reviews are perceived as a more trustworthy and reliable source of information compared to what the organisation may say about them. You can manage this through ensuring that both your offering to customers and more importantly the treatment of staff is constantly of a high level. Providing employees with career progression, salary reviews, managerial support, financial and non-financial incentives will help to keep poor reviews at bay. The key sites to watch out for are Google reviews and Glassdoor and you can always ask customers to write a review when they have received quality service to showcase the brand through honest and positive opinion. Do not ignore bad reviews though; reply as soon as possible to stop further complaints occurring and to also handle any issues offline rather than in a public place where others can contribute further and the brand be tarnished quickly.
The need to optimise online offerings
Technology has unconsciously imbedded itself into our lives. From work to leisure with business emails being sent and read around the clock, social media constantly on hand and fitness and nutrition apps notifying us if were not being our best self, most tasks can now be enabled through technology. This is no different to when it comes to job hunting and how your candidates are looking at roles and finding out about you.
The Undercover Recruiter revealed that nearly half of UK job seekers search for jobs daily through their mobile and 89% believe that mobile devices play a pivotal role in their job hunt. Organisations must ensure that their job ad is optimised for multiple devices from desktop, tablet to apps. With 59% stating that they originally look though their mobile for a role and if interested go to a desktop to later apply. If your advert and application has rendering issues or is not straight forward you risk losing candidates.
Job seekers also go online to find out about the company they're looking to work for. This is why review sites have grown in popularity as 54% of UK job seekers look to such sites in order to read about other peoples' experiences. Your social media pages will also be reviewed as people will want to learn more about the company's character, culture and work they do. If you are not highlighting your organisation's unique personality, family environment or charitable causes across social media begin to do so and show why candidates would enjoy working for you.
To be an employer of choice is an all year action that incorporates multiple factors from the content of your job advert to how your employees are valued. There isn't one quick fix that can result in increased candidate attraction and our specialist consultants who are experts in the local UK market understand the pains that organisations go through when hiring in their area. Our teams know how to attract the candidates you need and can turn to an exclusive passive candidate pool that you won't be able to find on the job boards. To find out more speak to your local branch today.